Lesson 2. Topic 3
Immune inflammation and infectious diseases. HIV-infection: immunopathogenesis, immunodiagnostics, immunotherapy
Dear Students!
Below you can find the links to Google Meet for online meetings with your teachers. Please join at 09:00 (Ukrainian Time).
441 group/ 1 subgroup - teacher - professor, Razumnyi Roman
441 group/ 2 subgroup - teacher - assistant professor, phD, Suska Kseniia
Research recommended sources of information. Give detailed answers to the questions below and solve clinical cases
Useful Information
Give detailed answers to the following questions
Send your answers for review to e-mail: home.immunology.occupational@gmail.com. Sign the next information in the topic of the letter and in the title of the attached file: Last name, First name, Group, Subgroup, Subject, Topic number. For example: "Smith, John. 415. Sub-group 15. Clinical immunology. Topic 2". Attention! Works with incorrect titles will not be reviewed!
Also we remind you that you have to do your homework by youself. If your teacher sees some identical works all the authors will recieve poor grades.
Mechanisms of the immune response in acute and chronic bacterial infection.
Mechanisms of the immune response in acute and persistent viral infection.
Features of the formation of the immune response in fungal, protozoal infections, helminth infestations.
Determine typical hematologic changes in bacterial infection in the dynamics of the process. Features of the immunogram.
Identify typical hematologic changes in viral infection. Features of the immunogram.
Prolonged fever syndrome: etiology, pathogenesis. Make an algorithm of differential diagnostics with an indication of necessary diagnostic methods.
Syndrome of lymphadenopathy: etiology, pathogenesis, classification. Compile the algorithm of differential diagnostics with an indication of necessary diagnostic methods.
The current concept of immunopathogenesis, developmental stages, classification of HIV/AIDS.
Clinical and laboratory criteria for diagnosis, principles of treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS.
Solve two clinical cases
Send your solution with the answers from previous task.
Sign the next information in the topic of the letter and in the title of the attached file: Last name, First name, Group, Subgroup, Subject, Topic number. For example: "Smith, John. 415. Sub-group 15. Clinical immunology. Topic 2". Attention! Works with incorrect titles will not be reviewed!