Clinical immunology

Guidance Papers for Students for Practical Lessons on Clinical Immunology

Basic principles of immunotropic therapy prescription. Immunorehabilitation, immunoprophylaxis.pdf
Immunological research methods. The concept of immunogram. .pdf
Congenital immunodeficiency disease.pdf
Acquired immunodeficiency disease and secondary immune deficiency.pdf
Immune inflammation and infectious disease. HIV-infection immunopathogenesis, immunodiagnostics, immunocorrection (1).pdf
Other allergic (nonatopic) disease types, immunopathogenesis, immune-diagnostics, immunotherapy..pdf
Immunology of tumors. Immune aspects of autoimmune pathologies.pdf
Fundamentals of transplantation immunity. Immunology of reproduction. Immunodependent forms of infertility.pdf
Atopic diseases.pdf
The structure and principles of functioning of the immune system. Age immunology.pdf